Just An Average Friday.

24 10 2008

I haven’t posted in the past few days due to lack of Internet connection. Sorry about that. Anyway today is just a normal Friday, TV, Xbox and staying up late. A friend was meant to come round so I tidied my room (I even hoovered and polished!) But they couldn’t come because there was a fall out between them and their parents.

Nevertheless today’s been good. Last lesson of the day I had to do the Bleep Test (Google it), basically it is two lines with a 20m gap in between and it goes beep. You have to run to the next line before the beep. And they get faster as time goes on. Each 8th beep there will be a new level. I only got up to level 8. But I did feel I was going to collapse and throw up so I just stopped there.But I was as far as I can remember something like 6th in the class.

No school for a week – yay! So here comes going out everyday, getting home late and getting up the next morning after midday!


15 10 2008

Why do people drive and go so worked up. Why not just sit back with the radio on?

This is because today after school something happened. Now outside school is a normal road but its always full of parked cars and buses. Today some man was obviously getting annoyed over the fact the traffic was at a standstill as there was a coach blocking the way.

He stopped the car, got out and stormed to the car behind, the driver had obviously tried to get passed, and he just started shouting and swearing (not best to swear outside a school). Then after he said his piece he got back in his car but then the woman he had shouted at got out of her car and then shouted at this guy. He started swearing some more so then one of the school coach drivers walked up and started pointing and shouting.

But then I didn’t see the rest as my mates mother was there to pick me up. But we drove past and then saw one of the teachers trying to reason with the man.

Not everyday that happens eh?

I Hate People.

10 10 2008

I’m fed up. With people. At school. I sit at my desk trying to get on with the work. When you just open you ears to try and catch a nearby conversation. Then you just hear the same people going on and on with their annoying fake voices, trying to make someone laugh at the most pointless thing such as a sound.

Home schooling would be good. Getting a tutor to then meet your friends and see who you want to see.

Only two years left though … (of being annoyed and angry)

Graphics Lessons.

3 09 2008

These lessons will be the BEST! Had my first today and it was exactly what I expected – drawing technically. We had to draw a camera to scale with as much detail. Everyone was getting marks such as 7/10 or 6/10 and he gave me a 9/10. A lost mark due to fact the camera looked like it had been sat on and stretched. I drew it too long basically.

But our teacher is a really funny guy. I have only seen him around school shouting at people because of their uniforms but he is really easy to get along with and fun. But he did give me a lecture on how my Irish surname was spelt differently in Gaelic or something. He was Irish by the way … he wasn’t just randomly talking about my name.

Anyway we three lessons a week and the next is tomorrow. Cant wait. That is if I can be bothered to draw at 9 o’clock in the morning. Graphics … it’s all good 😉


2 09 2008


So today early starts, early nights, nonstop homework and backstabbing and bitching began. School I mean. I am now in Year 10 at school. Now they always get a bad name for bullying the youngsters and cause general trouble. But it doesn’t feel like me and the rest of the year are actually in the last key stage of school. We don’t seem big and scary but the new kids starting the school are seriously small.

Anywho got into school where we were given our uniform cards, planners and timetables ect. The only thing I think anyone cares about is the timetable. Who is is who’s class and who’s the teacher. I was happy to find I had stayed in top set English and somehow like magic … moved up in Maths!

But the real fun is when your options start. Now for those who don’t know they are just a certain number of lessons which you have chosen for GCSE to study for the next two years. Graphics, Art and Business. Can’t wait.

Today was generally good, seeing all them faces again, and well just getting back into a routine where youre actually awake before midday.