Jesus Must Be Alive.

21 08 2008

So it is 3AM here in rainy Britain where I write to you here from my warm bed. I was casualy flicking through the iPod apps where I noticed there was one for WordPress and remembered I have a blog.

I read through all of my posts and decided I needed to get back in the habit of writing. I am a top English student and all. Let the talent flare!

YouTube has been good this month. Almost at the point of reaching 600 subscribers. Sarcastic thumbs up for such a small goal. I’ve also seen myself subscribing to everyone and anyone. Fiveawesomeguys just one channel on my list. But I did find myself commenting on a video my YouTube legend Charlie McCoolLike. Now I had always thought of Charlie to be one of those YouTubers who totally neglected their subscribers but in total shock horror he had replied to a comment of mine. Sad it sounds, getting exited about a reply on a video. But when it’s from an idol of yours it truely is better than sex. Hmm … Charlieissocoollike AND sex … at the same time? Now I’m a hetrosexual guy but not even I could turn that offer down!

Bloody Science.

29 04 2008

hard work

So this week I have been bogged down with Science homework. We have 3 booklets of 9 pages of just science. I have a science site up on my pc screen and my revision book wide open. Why is science so important … and hard!

Last lesson the head of science walked in and just moaned at us. He said as we are a middle set that we have to do well in the exam or we dont get to do the GCSEs needed to get into university. Oh the pressure!!!

Anyway we have a test tomorrow so hopefully I do well. The last test we did I got a level 7 which is good enough for me!

Now back to the booklets. I only have 4 hours to finish them! Ahh!

Wish me luck 😉


27 04 2008

I downloaded Safari onto my VIsta as it makes me feel like I have a Mac… Yeah its good and all with quick loading time, hand favourites toolbar and other random stuff but It does not let me put paragraphs into here. Does Apple have an ongoing hate of WordPress. I only want paragraphs!

It also doesn’t like my Non-American spelt words (eg. favourite – thinks it should be spelt favorite)

I shall blog about my day tomorrow as I have more time but now I am off to bed!

PS. After publishing this post the paragraphs have decided to work 😀

Snow in England – Yeah Right?!

23 03 2008


  Oh … right. Woke up this morning fairly early cos I had my friend over and he had to go to “Les Mis” rehearsals  at 9. Just happened to look out the window to find, well, snow!  What is with The British weather these days . I thought global warming is meant to make the planet hotter not make it rain, hail, and snow in a space of 24 hours.   

So I went out in the snow with Dale and we went to the park (again I will post pics on myspace when I can be bothered) but anyway … we saw two girls from our school so we then had a snowball fight with them. Then some guys ran overto us with a huge ball of snow and dropped it on my head. I looked at him and then some other guys brought their dog over. We kept on walking and one of them were shouting to the dog “Go on kill them!”   … no don’t kill me. But we weren’t paying attention so they got bored and left.

Then I went home because I was cold and my hands were numb. Had fun though … more snow days!

Sponsored Bike Ride (Without The Fundraising)

21 03 2008


Me and Dale rode around my hometown of Chelmsford. It rained … it hailed. We got wet and we got muddy. We were riding for about two hours in the extreme weather. And most of it was uphill. There wasn’t really any logic to bike riding through the country getting lost but it was so fun!  

But basically it was a day off school and we had energy to burn. The weather started off fine. We went to the shops to get a drink then rode down some bridelways and footpaths and ended up on random country roads (most of them long and windy). As we were making our way up a hill we heard gunshots. This startled us a bit so we pedaled as fast as we could. We also found a river and started throwing stones in it then we noticed there was a weird metal thing under the bridge. But the best part of the day was when we found a downhill road down in a forest. I was going too fast that I couldn’t pedal even though I tried so bloody hard! We also got caught up in hailstorm. We were riding along a main road. Then hailstones started to fall. And then the wind blew them in our direction. Believe me it isn’t safe.    

But we made it home safe  Yay! 


18 03 2008

If you plan on reading essays every blog entry then read mine! You have to really thank Dave (musicfromblueskies) for introducing me to this as he was the one who showed me the ropes. If you’ve seen my YouTube channel then you are probably asking why I need to vlog AND blog … well I’m following the trend to be honest!

Just recently the school have given us our options booklet with a long long list of options to take for GCSE. I had a quick flick through and decided in an instant (art, business studies and graphic design) I had to choose something interesting which I actually want to do for the next couple of years.  I have a real passion for art if you haven’t noticed through my videos already. It is something I have never really taken seriously but as adulthood beckons it looks like I can’t just sleep and eat watching tv every free moment I’ve got. But I still haven’t decided what I want to do as a job.  

Ahh decisions …