Just An Average Friday.

24 10 2008

I haven’t posted in the past few days due to lack of Internet connection. Sorry about that. Anyway today is just a normal Friday, TV, Xbox and staying up late. A friend was meant to come round so I tidied my room (I even hoovered and polished!) But they couldn’t come because there was a fall out between them and their parents.

Nevertheless today’s been good. Last lesson of the day I had to do the Bleep Test (Google it), basically it is two lines with a 20m gap in between and it goes beep. You have to run to the next line before the beep. And they get faster as time goes on. Each 8th beep there will be a new level. I only got up to level 8. But I did feel I was going to collapse and throw up so I just stopped there.But I was as far as I can remember something like 6th in the class.

No school for a week – yay! So here comes going out everyday, getting home late and getting up the next morning after midday!